06 October 2012

Shoe Art Display

My teenage daughter and I are fortunate to be part of Fibrant's Shoe-ing Off display at our local library. We've been working hard on our shoe art and setting up the display. It's been a lot of fun and here's our shoes below. 

Handstitched polyfill, thread, buttons, armature wire,
fabric on canvas board.
by Carolyn McIntosh
Made for the Shoe-ing Off  Fibrant group show
at the Bassendean Library
Oct-Nov 2012

Found shoe, wire, shoelaces and paint
made by my talented 13yr old daughter

My daughter, taking over my kitchen studio
space to work on her shoe art.
Fibrant's Shoe-ing Off display is on at the Bassendean Memorial Library, 46 Old Perth Road during opening hours from  1 Oct - 23 Nov.